2:15 AM
Interested in donating your vehicle to an organization you believe in? It's easy to make a contribution that supports KQED, Northern California's Public Broadcaster!

Here's how it works:

  • Just call Toll-Free 1 (866) 573-3123 or fill out the secure Car Donation Form to speak to a KQED Vehicle Donation representative.
  • He or she will schedule a pickup that's convenient for you, and provide you with confirmation of your donation.
  • KQED will mail you a confirmation that your vehicle has been sold. If it sells for more than $500 and you gave our representative your Social Security number, you will also be sent an IRS 1098 C form for your taxes.
  • According to the new tax laws in effect in 2005, this is all you need to claim a charitable contribution to KQED (unless you are claiming less than $500 for your vehicle donation, in which case no receipt is required by the IRS).
  • Finally, as our way of saying thank you, we will provide new members with a basic membership. If you are already a member, you will receive a special thank-you gift!

To Donate your vehicle fill out the Car Donation form


What does KQED do with the vehicles?
The vehicles are sold at private auction. The proceeds are used to help support KQED, Northern California's community broadcaster. Funds from vehicle donations help KQED acquire and produce quality educational and entertainment programs on Radio and Television, and support our outreach efforts in the community.

Is my contribution still deductible under the new tax laws?
Yes, under the new tax law effective in 2005, people who donate vehicles to charities can claim the actual amount for which the vehicle sells at auction. Previously, donors could claim the fair market value of the donated vehicle, regardless of how much money the vehicle sold for.

Do I get a receipt for my donation which shows how much money my car raised for KQED?
Yes, you will be mailed a receipt that shows the amount your donated vehicle brought in at auction. You should expect to have your receipt of sale about eight weeks after you donate your vehicle. In addition, when your vehicle is picked up by the KQED vehicle donation representative, you will be given a confirmation that shows the date of donation, the details of your vehicle, and KQED contact information, should you have any questions before you receive your receipt of sale.

Can I value my vehicle before I donate it to KQED?
Many factors can contribute to the final selling price of any vehicle, including the make, model and year of your car, along with any mechanical or physical damage to the vehicle that could affect its value. KQED recommends Kelly Blue Book at www.kbb.com or Nada www.nadaguides.com as resources that may help you to estimate the value of your vehicle. KQED's vehicle donation representatives cannot guarantee the final selling price, which is your charitable contribution to KQED.

Does my car have to be running to qualify for donation?
No, the car must have an engine and be towable. Cars that are in poor condition may be declined, as the cost to tow them may be more than the value of the vehicle.

Are all cars donated to KQED sold at auction?
No. Occasionally, vehicles that are donated to KQED do not sell at auction. In those cases, vehicles are sold for scrap and you will receive a receipt for what the current market rate is for scrap metal.

What if my car won't pass the smog test?

We can accept vehicles without a smog certificate or current registration.

What paperwork do I need?
You need only the signed title or "pink slip."

What if I lost the title (pink slip)?
As long as you are the legal titleholder, our driver can pick up the vehicle and have you sign a duplicate title, which he will provide.

What paperwork will I need for the DMV?
You will need to sign a release of liability and donation confirmation. Our driver will provide you with all the necessary paperwork. Once you sign the release of liability, you have five days to mail it to the DMV. Our driver will provide you with the address.

How quickly can my vehicle be picked up?
Vehicles are picked up at a time that is convenient for you. Appointments frequently can be made the same day you call, with some Saturday appointments available. Call our representative to find out what times are available in your neighborhood.

I donated my car several weeks ago but have not received my complimentary membership. When should I expect to receive it?

Often it takes four weeks from the moment your vehicle is picked up to the time KQED receives notification of your donation. Then, it can take another two to four weeks to complete your membership and send it to you. You should receive your new member welcome kit approximately six to eight weeks from the date you donate your vehicle to KQED. If you are currently a member, you should have received your thank-you gift at the time of your pickup.


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